Monday, 16 October 2017

Therapists, misanthropy and playing the nice card

Recently I came across this website called which is a platform where people can reach out to 'listeners' who can be both untrained yet kind human beings or professional therapists. After talking to a few I came across someone who was actually interested in listening to my woes, which in the end of the conversation made me feel better, light so as to say. It led me to wonder... all these therapists would really run out of business if people's parents and friends actually made the effort to 'listen'. Why, I wonder, is it so hard? Why does one feel the need to 'fix' everything in their close, loved ones when there is really no fixing required. All that the person requires is an ear that listens, a head that makes no judgement and a mouth that does not... speak. 
Humans are the most selfish of the creatures walking this planet. Even in love, worship, which literally means treating someone/something more than 'oneself', they seek self-fulfillment, satisfaction of their own desires. Once upon a time I was not a very nice person, my thoughts and actions were all directed to fulfill my own deepest desires without considering the implications of it. As I grew up though I realized playing the nice card isn't that bad after all, maybe sometimes forgetting your own self-interest can actually make you feel good. Yet being nice is simply an exhausting job in this world full of bastards who constantly try to project their own frustrations into a person they think won't speak up for themselves, won't object to this inhumane treatment just because they choose to be 'nice'. 
The most painful knowledge is that for the rest of my miserable life (which I pray is as short as it comes) I have to deal with these leeches stuck in my brain, a bother. How I wish I was Light Yagami from the anime Death Note and could kill anybody! I'd probably start with the virtue signalers of Facebook, aha. :)  

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To Anna, from Sharvi

I've never had true friends. I don't know what friendship means. There is a friendship I see in the movies - a concept that seems ...