Monday, 10 April 2017

A lone wolf

Screeching owls atop these trees around me,
Casting a shadow,
Mine, lost among their intricate patterns,
I'm rushing through the forest,
Rustling of nature in my ears,
My quick feet flying,
Chasing my prey,
The bright, white moon,
Coming to a halt, I take a break,
Standing on the edge of a cliff now,
The stones tumbling down to the valley below,
Amidst the dead silence and a constant buzz of night flies,
I look up,
Eyes searching,
Sweeping across the painted sky,
But in vain,
I howl,
Calling out your name,
Where art thou my moon?
Shy or angry hiding behind the curtains of clouds?
I wouldn't know...
I have nothing left to say...
You are out of my reach,
All I can do now is whimper,
O' Darkness,
My companion,
Let's run beneath this sky devoid of starry light,
The moon of my life is unhappy tonight


To Anna, from Sharvi

I've never had true friends. I don't know what friendship means. There is a friendship I see in the movies - a concept that seems ...